The Foothills at Burke Mountain - Coquitlam, BC

Client: Wesbild Properties
The Burke Mountain project involves the comprehensive planning of approximately 1,600 hectares of land in Northeast Coquitlam, within which Wesbild holds approximately 180 ha of developable land. The project commenced in 2000 and is now approximately 80% complete. In accordance with the Official Community Plan, the development will ultimately comprise approximately 1,300 housing units with a mix of density including large single-family, small single-family, row homes and traditional town units.
InterCAD has been working closely with a multi-disciplined design team to develop and refine site concepts based on conservation and complete community design which are responsive to the local terrain. The neighbourhood plans incorporate stormwater management and innovative low-impact development practices as part of a series of alternative development strategies to support environmental protection and carefully manage future growth in northeast Coquitlam.

InterCAD has been Wesbild's prime engineering consultant for the project since its inception. In this capacity, InterCAD is responsible for the overall coordination of all engineering including securing municipal and environmental approvals. InterCAD is also directly responsible for the design and contract administration of all the major servicing components, including major streets and trunk storm, sanitary and water systems. This has included development of multi-year construction phasing programs, in collaboration with the Client, and administering multiple inter-related construction contracts. Throughout the development process, InterCAD has participated as a principal member of a comprehensive Design Team consisting of planners, architects, legal surveyors, geotechnical and environmental consultants and other technical specialists.
For additional information visit The Foothills at Burke Mountain wesbite.
British Properties - West Vancouver, BC

Client: British Pacific Properties
The British Pacific Properties' West Vancouver Hillside Lands comprises approximately 500 hectares of undeveloped land lying north of the Upper Levels Highway. These lands will ultimately yield approximately 4,000 dwelling units, over a period of 20 to 50 years. Development is being implemented in a series of localized neighbourhoods, each having a particular character and housing mix. Infrastructure development is governed by overall master plans that address transportation, water supply, sewer and drainage system objectives. In collaboration with several subconsultants, new development options, roads and servicing systems, and impacts upon existing infrastructure, are evaluated as the development plans evolve. Overall engineering management, and engineering of roads, drainage systems and site servicing are provided directly by InterCAD.
Currently, an 80 hectare site is being developed in a multi-stage program. Engineering functions include evolution of the master plan, detailed mapping, digital modelling and slope analysis, construction cost estimating, and liaison with other specialized consultants, in addition to the typical subdivision servicing processes. Periodic review and updating of overall phasing plans and expenditure profiles are also provided.

Staging of construction is a significant aspect of this project. Generally, clearing and earthworks are done in advance of servicing. In some instances, underground works and road subgrade are constructed independently, in advance of the road base, paving and finishing works. Work is systematically staged to meet the Client's overall marketing and expenditure program.
For additional information visit the British Pacific Properties wesbite.
River District - Vancouver, BC

Client: Wesgroup
The River District is a 130 acre comprehensive land development project on the former White Pines sawmill site beside the Fraser River at the southeastern edge of Vancouver. The River District will be a neighbourhood in Vancouver unlike any other; it will combine the best of what we know about sustainable communities, traditional neighbourhood developments and the livability of Vancouver's best neighbourhoods. The River District will be a complete, sustainable community and provide opportunities for people to live, work, play, learn and shop within the neighbourhood. Engineering of roads, drainage systems and site servicing are provided directly by InterCAD.
InterCAD has been Wesgroup's prime engineering consultant for the project since its inception. In this capacity, InterCAD is responsible for the overall coordination of all engineering including securing municipal and environmental approvals. InterCAD is also directly responsible for the design and contract administration of all the major servicing components, including major streets and trunk storm, sanitary and water systems. This has included development of multi-year construction phasing programs, in collaboration with the Client, and administering multiple inter-related construction contracts. Throughout the development process, InterCAD has participated as a principal member of a comprehensive Design Team consisting of planners, architects, legal surveyors, geotechnical and environmental consultants and other technical specialists.
For additional information visit the River District wesbite.
Wilden - Kelowna, BC
Client: Blenk Development Corporation
The Wilden site is a prominent feature in the City of Kelowna's landscape, containing spectacular ridges, deep mountain valleys and tranquil wetlands. Wilden will ultimately comprise a community of 2,800 dwelling units consisting of residential neighbourhoods, parks and trail systems, a school and other amenities within an overall land area of 725 hectares.
InterCAD has been the prime engineering consultant for the project since its inception in 1995. In this capacity, InterCAD has been responsible for master planning of the municipal services and roads, engineering studies at the Area Structure Plan (ASP) stage in support of re-zoning efforts, detailed design of the roadworks and services, contract administration and overall coordination of all engineering, including securing municipal and environmental approvals. Throughout the development process, InterCAD has participated as the principal member of a comprehensive Design Team consisting of planners, architects, landscape architects, legal surveyors, geotechnical and environmental consultants and other technical specialists. The design outcome is a master-planned community that sets the bar in the Okanagan for hillside development which responds to and conserves the hillside environment.
For additional information visit the Wilden wesbite.
Auguston - Abbotsford, BC

Client: Beautiworld Development Corporation
Auguston is a 155 hectare comprehensively planned community which successfully incorporates a variety of housing types supported by a commercial village, recreation centre, a church and elementary and secondary schools, while offering an abundance of neighbourhood parks and trail networks. The community's urban structure focuses on the prominent civic landmarks: the mixed-use commercial village, the recreation centre and schools. The focus on civic landmarks is reinforced through the pattern of streets and blocks which also respond to the site's complex mountain plateau topography.
InterCAD has been the prime engineering consultant for the project since its inception in 1995. In this capacity, InterCAD has been responsible for master planning of the municipal services and roads, engineering studies at the re-zoning stage, detailed design of the roadworks and services, contract administration and overall coordination of all engineering, including securing municipal and environmental approvals. Throughout the development process, InterCAD has participated as the principal member of a comprehensive Design Team. Development work is nearing 50% complete on this comprehensive land development project.
For additional information visit the Auguston wesbite.
Great Northern Way Campus Re-development - Vancouver, BC

Client: GNW Trust
The 18-acre Great Northern Way Campus site, formerly the Finning Lands, is located on False Creek flats in Vancouver and is being re-developed by a consortium of educational institutions including UBC, BCIT, SFU and Emily Carr University. The revitalization of the GNW land parcel will bring together businesses, academia and the general community into an emerging district for the digital and creative sectors. This district is also the future home of a relocated Emily Carr University campus as well as the location of a potential SkyTrain station on the future UBC line.
InterCAD has been involved with the re-development vision at the Great Northern Way Campus since 2009. Responsibilities have included preliminary infrastructure planning and design, proforma cost estimates, and preparation of detailed civil designs for construction of a new Centre for Digital Media, off-site roadworks and municipal infrastructure improvements, on-site roads and services, construction administration and reporting. Throughout the development process, InterCAD has participated as a principal member of a comprehensive Design Team consisting of architects, legal surveyors, geotechnical and environmental consultants and other technical specialists.
For additional information visit the GNW Trust wesbite.